{ Tomas Gil }

Persistent layout patterns in nextjs with typescript


If you ever made a website with Nextjs you probably had to decide how to handle page layouts. Adam Wathan made an excellent contribution to the community describing four different persistent layout patterns in this post. If you havent read it, I encourage you to do it. In my case I was building a Nextjs app with typescript and I needed to implement option 3 or 4. Was not so simple as I first thought :(

Im writing this post in case my future me forgets how to do it and to help anyone who stumbles into the same problem.

How do we add a static 'layout' property to our page components?

Let's implement Adams option 3 in a new Nextjs proyect made with typescript (if you want to see the github repository you can find it here). Our proyect will have two types of layouts and two different pages. In the home page we want to show the MainLayout, but on the /secondary-page we want to show the SecondaryLayout. This is our folder structure so far:


Let's go to index.tsx and add a static 'layout' property to the Home component:


What's going on? Since we are using typescript we need to specify what we are going to store in Home. In this case we stated Home is a react function component and react function components don't have a property called layout.

How do we specify Home has also a 'layout' property?

We create a new type which will be an intersection of React.FC and layout property (you can read more about typescript intersections here ). Basically, our home constant now will require a function component and a layout property of type MainLayout.

import React, { FC } from 'react'
import Head from 'next/head'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'

import MainLayout from '../layouts/mainLayout'

type HomeComponent = FC & { layout: typeof MainLayout }

const Home: HomeComponent = () => {
  return (

Home.layout = MainLayout

export default Home

As we see, this fades the error away. Let's implement it also on secondary-page.tsx:

import React, { FC } from 'react'

import SecondaryLayout from '../layouts/secondaryLayout'

type SecondaryComponent = FC & { layout: typeof SecondaryLayout }

const SecondaryPage: SecondaryComponent = () => {
  return <div>This is the secondary page</div>

SecondaryPage.layout = SecondaryLayout

export default SecondaryPage

Great. We also need to modify _app.tsx file. We will do it as Adam suggests in his post:


ajam. Another error. We are having again a problem with types. Typescript can't find a property layout on the Component types, where Component is NextPage component.

You might notice page works on localhost, but it fails when you try to make the build.

How do we specify Component has also a 'layout' property?

There is alternative question to make: can we replace Component for other thing which actually has a layout property? Yes, we can and that is what we are going to do. So, instead Component we will use PageWithLayoutType, which a NextPage component with a layout property:

import { NextPage } from 'next'
import MainLayout from '../layouts/mainLayout'
import SecondaryLayout from '../layouts/secondarylayout'

type PageWithMainLayoutType = NextPage & { layout: typeof MainLayout }

type PageWithPostLayoutType = NextPage & { layout: typeof SecondaryLayout }

type PageWithLayoutType = PageWithMainLayoutType | PageWithPostLayoutType

export default PageWithLayoutType

We use the type defined above in our _app.tsx file:

import '../styles/globals.css'
import PageWithLayoutType from '../types/pageWithLayout'
import React from 'react'

type AppLayoutProps = {
  Component: PageWithLayoutType
  pageProps: any

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppLayoutProps) {
  const Layout = Component.layout || ((children) => <>{children}</>)
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp

Finally, we need to refactor our pages, index.tsx and second-page.tsx, to make them of type PageWithLayoutType:

import React, { FC } from 'react'
import Head from 'next/head'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
import PageWithLayoutType from '../types/pageWithLayout'

import MainLayout from '../layouts/mainLayout'

const Home: FC = () => {

;(Home as PageWithLayoutType).layout = MainLayout

export default Home

what we are doing here is changing the type of Home component to be PageWithLayoutType, which has a layout property. In this case the value of that property will be MainLayout. In the case of secondary-page.tsx will be SecondaryLayout.

And thats it. We just have implemented Adams persistent layout pattern in typescript. Hope you liked it and don't forget you can check the full repository here.